Nazi Postcard
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Nazi ideology was responsible for the murders of tens of millions of people, targeted for their race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, political beliefs or gender identity. The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation has stated that the use of Nazi symbols in Australia plays a significant role among nationalist and racist violent extremist groups. Help support the proposed ban and ask for appropriate measures are taken to stem nationalism and racist violent extremist.
Online Abuse
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Online sexual abuse is a global issue. In the Philippines alone, 20% of internet-using children aged 12-17 years of age we victims of sexual exploitation in 2022. Abusers are located in places like Australia, and more can be done here to protect children everywhere. Help protect children by calling for reforms that make it easier to report and eliminate abuse material.
Protect Whistleblowers
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Help us urge the Commonwealth Government to urgently progress the recommended by the review of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 by Philip Moss in 2016, as well as the full, bipartisan recommendations of the Whistleblower Protections report of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services in 2017. Critical reforms are needed to make whistleblowers feel safer in coming forward to expose corruption and wrongdoing. The processes for a whistleblower to access protection and make their disclosure of wrongdoing public need to be simplified.