Victorian Electoral Reform
Social reform largely requires intervention from our elected Parliaments, but our democracy is not nearly as representative or transparent as it should be with how our elections actually work in practice. It is not unheard of for candidates with as low as 0.6% of the vote to be elected to the Legislative Council through secret deals. Our democracy is too important; help make Victorian elections fair and honest.
Venue Training on Sexual Harassment
People attending clubs and pubs in Victoria continue to experience sexual assault and harassment. Venue staff also experience sexual harassment. The Victorian Government has failed to make it a requirement for venue staff to be trained in how to prevent and respond appropriately to situations of sexual assault and harassment. Let’ change this together!
Disability Royal Commission Reforms
The now completed Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability contains recommendations to give people with disabilities power of choice, and to create a better regulatory structure. Now is the time implement those changes, including creating a Minister for Disability Inclusion responsible for developing and overseeing a disability inclusion strategy and implementing policies and programs. Let us work together to make the system better.
Down to 10 Days Campaign
Of 2,000 people on the NDIS in hospital, over half are medically ready for discharge but lack an appropriate support system and accommodation. Around 30% of those in a hospital are waiting for their application for support to be processed. Another 20% are trying to find housing. Help us advocate for a system that works by ensuring reasonable timeframes to house those needlessly languishing in hospitals.
Disability Reforms
The Victorian Disability Act 2006 is currently in review, which opens the opportunity for amendments that will ensure people with disabilities can live decent lives, free of abuse and neglect. Help advocate for the rights and well-being of people with disability across Victoria.
Political Finance Reforms
Representative democracy is built on the concept that all citizens have an equal right to have a say in how we are governed. Each person gets an equal vote regardless of their background or circumstances. The reality is that currently, the system allows the wealthy to skew our laws and policies towards their preferences. Work with us to restore faith in our Democracy so that everyone benefits, not just the rich.
Unfit to be Tried Bill
In Victoria, people found mentally unfit to stand trial can end up in prison for longer than a person who pleads guilty for the crime they are accused of. There are pending reforms in this area that will hopefully lead to improvements, but they first need to be legislated. Act to ask the Government to pass the necessary legislation, and improve access to mental health support for those in prison.
Protecting Human Rights Online
As technology has developed, it has improved our ability to share information and be more connected. The online world has created many positive outcomes in our lives but has its negative side. Technology has provided new tools to those seeking to harm others, including those who engage in child sexual abuse. Help us make the online world a safer place and prevent human rights abuses.
Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility
Take action to support children reaching their full potential, and to not be locked up. In 2019 the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child recommended member states raise their minimum age of criminal responsibility to 14 years of age. Currently, this minimum is 10 years of age across all jurisdictions in Australia. Raising the age of criminal responsibility to at least 14 allows a greater emphasis on supporting pro-social behaviour and the welfare of the child by not separating them from their families.
Regulation of Migration Agents
There are good migration agents, and there are also bad migration agents. The bad ones are exploiting vulnerable and desperate people, and the Department of Home Affairs has done little to stem the tide of this abuse. Australia is not unique to have this happen, but we are behind other countries like the UK, Canada and New Zealand. Help us to make the migration system free of exploitation.
Opposing the Migration Removal Bill
Since the High Court decided that it was not lawful to detain people indefinitely, the Australian government has rushed legislation to find new ways to coerce people into complying with their own deportation. These measures are unethical, and do not consider the best interests of children. Help us to help the government fix a problem of its own making, and become more just and compassionate in the process.
Victorian Disability Reforms
Progress has been made in Australia to provide better support and services to people with disabilities, but the experience of such people indicates more is needed. There is a need to recognise the human rights of people with disabilities so they are treated with dignity and respect within our society. Write to improve the framework that exists to improve the lives and dignity of people with disabilities.
Ensuring the well-being of people with disabilities
Australian Governments, Commonwealth and State, have introduced the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to support people with disabilities. Often it grants funds directly to the person with the disability or their carer. However, the NDIS has marketised and privatised care of people with disabilities which threatens exploitation by people working to provide services, thereby degrading quality of care. Taken to safeguard the NDIS and safeguard those who access it.