Restricting Harmful Marketing

Gambling companies advertise during times when children are watching sports, alcohol corporations advertise on kids’ routes to school, and unhealthy food companies target kids with advertisements as they scroll social media. Similarly, corporations collect personal data of people most at risk of harm to tailor and target their ads to these people, enticing us to buy more. Why should it be this way?


Technology Facilitated Family Violence

Families are sacred spaces in part because trust is implicit within them. When trust is broken through violence, that type of harm has long reaching impacts and can be compounded through technology. We also see technology facilitated harm occurring through online dating apps, and other digital spaces. Help put an end to technology facilitated abuse.


Victorian Legislative Council Election Reform

There are parts to our electoral system that are open for manipulation and exploitation. At the last Victorian state we saw claims made that make it clear that the Legislative council election can be manipulated in ways that undermine the public interest and the common good. Add your voice to calls for reforming the Victorian electoral system.


Uber Reforms

Leaked documents have shown that Uber set itself up illegally in many places and then lobbied to get laws changed to accept its presence. It played groups of workers off against each other, undermining pay and conditions for workers in the taxi industry, replacing them with low-paid workers operating on their platform under the pretence that workers are contractors and not employees. Help us take a stand against Uber’s practices and uphold worker and human rights.



Independent Police Accountability

Police have a difficult job. However, where police misbehave or misuse their powers, there is a need to hold the officers in question to account. First Peoples communities in Victoria too often experience cases of alleged police misconduct or excessive use of force. Help ensure the right mechanisms are in place to keep police accountable.


Paid Family Violence Leave

The Fair Work Commission is currently reviewing the need for paid leave terms in modern awards for workers experiencing family and domestic violence. Currently, there is a lack of access for all employees to sufficient paid domestic and family violence leave. Write to advocate that women and men in the paid workforce need to access paid family and domestic violence leave, to be used at vulnerable times to find and move to safe accommodation, access legal assistance, and attend court hearings.


Encryption vs Safety

Technology is often out of step with our humanity, and it is often exploited as much as it is used for good. Where it is misused, clear and just regulation needs to occur to protect the most vulnerable amongst us, especially children. Help create a safer online community by advocating for regulation around end-to-end encryption that adequately balances between privacy and the right to safety.


Alcohol Reforms Bill

Help raise concern at the increase in alcohol-fuelled harm in the Victorian community. There is a strong association between the provision of alcohol people have delivered to their homes and the level of family violence in an area. The Victorian Government has introduced the Liquor Control Reform Amendment Bill 2021 into Parliament. The number of liquor licences in Victoria has increased six-fold over the past 35 years, and continues to rise at a rate outstripping population growth.


Warning Labels needed to prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Letters are urgently needed to be sent to the relevant Victorian Ministers urging that they listen to the advice of public health experts when it comes to effectual warning labels to help prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FADS).


Banning Gambling Advertising

Gambling causes real harm to individuals and to families. Advertising for online gambling has tripled in the last 10 years, and a child aged 13 or younger has never seen an AFL game without gabling advertising. 90% of all children can recall sports betting advertising. Help fight for the obvious, that children should be exposed to less or no advertising to gamble, not more.


Taking action to end family violence

In March 2021, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs presented their 425-page report following their investigation into family, domestic and sexual violence. The Committee made 88 recommendations. Help us advocate for a whole of society response to address domestic and sexual violence.


Protecting Children Online

As technology has developed, it has improved our ability to share information and be more connected. This has created many positive outcomes in our lives but has its negative side. Technology has provided new tools to those that seek to do harm to others, including those who engage in child sexual abuse. Take action to prevent child sexual abuse in the online world.
