A First Peoples Heart
Our Vision: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, nurtured and sustained by God before colonisation, are celebrated at the very heart of what it means to be Australian. First People’s sovereignty is affirmed, First Peoples have a voice in the decision making of our country and are living out their right to self-determination. As First and Second Peoples, we walk together, creating socially just and culturally safe relationships, listening and learning from one another.

Our hopes:
- A constitutionally enshrined First Nations Voice to the Federal Government.
- A Makarrata Commission to supervise a process of:
- Agreement-making or treaty-making between governments and First Peoples
- Truth-telling about Australia’s history, seeking justice, healing and reconciliation
- Self-determination that gives First Peoples full control over decisions impacting their lives and communities.
- Meaningful and effective, culturally-appropriate and research-based policies and programs to significantly reduce Indigenous incarceration.
- Significant and consistent resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander controlled community health and wellbeing services, designed to achieve a closing of the gap in health, mental health and social outcomes.
- Adequate resourcing of remote communities.
- High rates of early childhood education, school attendance and completion among Indigenous students supported by sufficient professional resourcing and educational opportunities, no matter where a person lives.
- Indigenous languages to be preserved, taught and incorporated into civic functions. True bilingual education to become a reality for Indigenous communities where English is not a first language.
- Indigenous cultures to be understood and celebrated by all Australians.
- Support for Indigenous business and increased local employment opportunities in remote communities.