New Public Squares Project: Remaking Public Good

The JIM Team are working with Australia reMADE to deliver a new project aimed at remaking and reclaiming a shared notion of public good in Australia.

The key aims of the New Public Squares Project are to:

  1. Build a new big picture agenda around a shared notion of public good
  2. Elevate a conversation about the public good, asking “What should drive our decision making as a country?”
  3. Connect within and across networks, communities and organisations to rebuild trust, avoid polarisation, and reMAKE the public square

People are asking for community, agency and belonging. They are asking for new and renewed conversations within safe spaces and inviting public squares. They are asking to contribute. In response to this, Australia reMADE launched the New Public Squares project, a deep networked approach to an ambitious, collaborative and transformative building of a new agenda, a new common sense, for the public good.

Volunteer: How you can Participate

  • Where does joy exist in your community?
  • What does public good mean to you?
  • What should be provided for your community, and who should provide it?

Do you want to be involved in setting a new national agenda on the public good, while connecting across organisations who work collaboratively where people and planet come first?

We’re looking for Uniting Church volunteers willing to host a series of 3 consecutive conversations at your Congregation (between April and September 2021). Volunteers are provided with all the support required for deep thinking conversations that lead to big outcomes. It’s anticipated to be about 30 hours of time spread across 6 months.

To volunteer, or for more information, contact:

Download the Public Good Project Outline for more information

Note: The next consecutive training dates are on the 21st and 22nd of April (3pm-5pm), with the first conversation to be facilitated in May/June. Other training sessions will be held, so please still get in touch to register your interest.

Further Resources:

Project Flyer

Introducing a History of Public Good in Australia

Unravelling Privatisation
