Climate Justice and Creation
Our Vision: We seek the flourishing of the whole of God’s Creation and all its creatures. We act to renew the earth from the damage done and stand in solidarity with people most impacted by human-induced climate change. Government, churches, businesses and the wider community work together for a sustainable future.

Our hopes:
- Australians feel deeply connected to our natural environment. We recognise the gift of living amongst all this unique diversity and seek to protect it.
- We affirm and seek the guiding wisdom of First Peoples and cultures who have lived as part of this place for countless generations.
- First Peoples have regular direct involvement in the management of land and waters, and in environmental practices.
- We have thought deeply about our place in the world and our responsibilities to the web of life. We value nature for its own sake, not only for its material benefits to humans.
- We have a carbon neutral economy and fully renewable energy, including equitable access and a just transition process for communities currently dependent on fossil fuel activities.
- We live sustainable lifestyles with minimal further human impacts on our ecosystems.
- The abundance of the earth’s resources, food and water, are managed in a just, participatory and sustainable manner for the benefit of current and future generations.
- We protect the rights of future generations to healthy air, an intact ozone layer and sufficient thermal exchange between the earth and space.
- ‘Waste’ products are seen as resources, and products are built to last. We recognise that there is no ‘away’ and that we are responsible for all the items we use.
- We live within and a part of an abundant natural world with a rich plant and animal life and protect the rights of nature – animate or inanimate – to preservation and appropriate development.